Friday, July 1, 2011

Has Emotional Conditioning Affected Your Health?

Most of us know someone who has a negative outlook on life and is often sick. They might be fretful, worrisome, perpetually angry or judgemental, and they are also prone to illness: complaining of aches and pains or have some sort of chronic disorder. This is not to say everyone with health problems is negative, but to explore the connection between emotional conditioning and health.

In his discussion about the ‘Pain Body” acclaimed author Ekhart Tolle talks about how negative emotions such as “fear, anxiety, anger, bearing a grudge, sadness, hatred or intense dislike, jealousy, envy – all disrupt the energy flow through the body, affect the heart, the immune system, digestion, production of hormones, and so on.”

All of us have a pain-body, the question is, what impact does this have on your health and wellness? Are you feeling great most of the time, or are you feeling a loss of energy, catching every cold that comes along or dealing with a chronic condition?

Natural medicine practitioner Dr. Nance MacLeod confirms Tolle’s assertion that negative emotions cause us to become sick both physically and emotionally. Stress, depression, high blood pressure and frequent colds are common symptoms of the energy stored in our minds and bodies.

Comments like MacLeod’s about how the mind affects behaviour and how thinking affects emotions are rooted in the practice of psychology. This approach asserts that the only way to deal with our emotions is to peel back the onion; eliminating layers of psychological bulk. This often involves some form of talk therapy to dig down and uncover the memories that have been stored away in our brains.

A New Solution
What do we do about the emotional energy that is stored in the cells of our body? Tolle and many other authors offer little insight into decreasing the density of the pain body other than to feel it. They provide no guidance on how exactly to feel this emotional energy. Tom Stone, who has made it his life mission to resolve the problems stemming from our human conditioning, has changed this.

In “The Power of How” Stone describes in detail the simple, elegant techniques he has developed to resolve the pain-body. It turns out there are specific ways to feel into this pain to bring it to resolution quickly. What was once difficult took several months, even years, is now relatively easy and fast.

Not only can we resolve our emotional conditioning within our mind we can now resolve it in our body too. People who have tried all sorts of personal development and psychological work for over 30 years attempting to drop off their emotional baggage have found they were able to gain much more significant traction when they started using the Emotional Hot Button Removal techniques.

You may not be aware of how your emotional conditioning is affecting your health. The first step is to acknowledge and feel the emotional pain you are carrying. In the words of one client who was acknowledging her readiness to work on her pain body. “OK...the river of denial has run into the turbines of a dam...” (Sounds messy!)

For many the capacity to feel has been shut down for some time. My colleague Jacque describes how she had completely shut down her ability to feel emotional energy in her body prior to using the techniques we now teach. “I did not learn how to open up my body to such feelings until two years ago.”

You may want to consider how your emotional concerns might be affecting your health? What kind of impact is your ‘pain-body’ having and how disruptive is it to living your ideal magical life?

Wishing you radiant wellness,

Lynne Brisdon, PCC

Next month we will talk about the connection between addiction and emotional conditioning.

Register for the next Emotional Hot Button Removal training

Workshop - Oct 1 in Vancouver, BC

Tele-seminar Series - starts July 4 at 6:30 p.m

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