Friday, January 15, 2010

Emotional Hot Button Removal

Do you ever get concerned about… ?
· Getting angry and frustrated with your spouse?
· How much you yell at your kids?
· The amount of anxiety you feel?

Have you ever noticed that….?

· You are struggling at work?
· You are afraid to be alone?
· You have a lot of mental chatter?

Do you ever…?
· Worry about money?
· Feel like you are not good enough and afraid you are going to fail?
· Ignore your gut instincts and then wish you hadn’t?

Ever wonder why…?
· Other people do stupid things?
· Things just don’t go the way you expect them to?
· You don’t speak up for yourself?

All these are symptoms of our conditioning and the root of Common Problems. The good news is you are not stuck with them. There is a Revolutionary New Process, called Core Dymanics Coaching developed by Tom Stone, to free you from these emotional reactions.

Learning to use these techniques is your first step toward a new life that’s free from anxiety, frustration, struggle, and feeling alone.

Has anyone ever pushed your buttons? When we have emotional reactions like anger, frustration or anxiety, the  energy of emotional conditioning is activated. The ‘button’ gets pushed against a bunch of energy that’s stored up in our bodies. It's like the energy has been compressed and is ready to explode every time our buttons are pushed. 

In Emotional Hot Button Removal we will teach you the simple techniques that allow you to feel into the stored up energy and vaporize it. It is like deleting a virus off the hard drive of your computer. Or, getting to the roots of a problem, rather than developing a strategy to manage it.

With your Hot Buttons absent from your life you will:
-Always trust and act on your intuition
-Be calm and peaceful
-Live in the present moment, in the Now
-Be free of being judgmental about yourself and others
-Be free of emotional overwhelm
-Have access to deeper feelings of love, pleasure and enjoyment
-Have more confidence and self esteem
-Live in a state of unconditional love of yourself, others and all of life
-Live in tune with the flow of nature, "in the zone"
-Be able to fully express your unique talents and qualities
-Have more clarity about your purpose

In the past this has taken years of self reflection or analysis and it has seemed difficult if not impossible to change. We’ve even been encouraged to accept it’s just the way we are…

NOW, by removing your hot buttons you can have the same benefits as years of meditation in a fraction of the time


"Just thought you might like to know that the Core Technique exercise that you did with me the other night has really had a noticeable effect. How exciting!!

“I tried it again the next day and I felt sooo grounded. Even now I am more empowered at keeping the ego-mind/chatter at bay. Cool!
I am very excited to pursue personal coaching."
K. Sharyk, Professional Musician

“I am happier and more at peace with my life. I make better decisions on and off the course, and have less brain chatter on the course.”J. Wyne, Professional Golfer

“Core Dynamics Coaching has put me in touch with my feelings in a very productive and positive way. I am more aware and calmer in difficult situations.”
L. Fenniak, Entrepreneur

Register for the next  Emotional Hot Button Removal Workshop

Want to attend our Webinars instead of the Workshop? Click here to Register

For more information on Emotional Hot Button Removal
Jacque 604-628-6642 or Lynne 604-570-0764.

OR Book Lynne & Jacque to deliver a talk or workshop for your group or organization.


“Emotional Hot Button Removal is led by Jacque Small of Catalyst Business Coaching and Lynne Brisdon of Living In Vision Enterprises. Both have trained directly with Tom Stone, founder of this work called Core Dynamics Coaching.

Jacque Small, Catalyst Business Coaching 604 628-6642
Jacque’s intention as a professional coach over the past 7 years has been to work with leaders, business owners and managers to create inspiring work places where people love to work. She uses a direct, loving and humorous style to develop leader’s communication skills, achieve clarity and bring out their best talents. Jacque’s investment in her own development has led her to an amazing transition using Core Dynamic techniques. Inspired by the dramatic results of this work in her life she is introducing it to golfers, wellness professionals and anyone who wants to live an emotionally reaction free life. Living, working and golfing in the “Zone”.

Lynne Brisdon PCC, Living In Vision Enterprises Inc. 604 570-0764

or 360-383-8996

As a Professional Coach Lynne inspires others to embrace their innate abilities and essential purpose so they experience more joy and fulfillment in life. She encourages clients to overcome internal and external obstacles and specializes in working with highly intuitive and energetically sensitive people. She also connects entrepreneurs with their passion and calling to achieve business success. Building on Co-Active Coaching Certification (2001) she has constantly upgraded her skills to include: Organizational and Relationship Systems Coaching, Team Coaching and Core Dynamics Coaching. She also shares wisdom and transformational techniques as a Spiritual Healer and Teacher. She is dedicated to illuminating the path to your greatest future.

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