Friday, July 31, 2009

Reflections on Fascinating, Masterful Coaching Presentation at PSCA 09 Conference

When I signed up for “Where Quantum Physics and Spirituality Meet Coaching” at the 2009 Puget Sound Coaching Conference I knew nothing about Dancing With Source. I expected an interesting, although academic presentation that connected scientific information about quantum physics to support the use of spiritually based transformational techniques in coaching. I know many coaches aspire to spirituality, but we tend to keep it to ourselves, especially when upholding our professional image.

Well was I ever wrong! Much to my surprise and delight the session started with creating protection for the room by invoking the Archangels. Wow! In a coaching conference! This really was leading edge.

In amazement, I felt the energy in the room shift, and if any skepticism was present no resistance was expressed. Everyone was riveted to the presentation. Ashley Warrenton-Smith and Diane Boivie, went on to share how our internal barriers or incongruencies come from inherited bloodlines, past life karma, trauma, or disempowering beliefs from “another time”. They have found consistenly that resolving these barriers moves their clients past perpetual issues they haven't been able to address with traditional coaching. Ashley went on to demonstrate Etheric Grid Alignment for a few people who volunteered on the basis of feeling like their energy was “off”.

As a spiritual healer I marveled at how effectively and quickly they worked in this large group setting. It’s sometimes difficult to create such a potent healing space with varying levels of supportive energy in a group. Not so here. Source and the Archangels cut through it all and those who had their etheric grids aligned were obviously healed.

I did not put up my hand to receive a healing at the conference. I was feeling pretty good that day. However, I recently got to have the experience. In early June my Dad passed away and I was emotionally bereft. I was really trying to honor my business commitments but it was just a struggle. While on a phone conference to discuss DWS training in the Pacific Northwest, Ashley noticed that my energy was flat (of course) and offered a healing session. She got right to work and cleared the energy dynamics I was experiencing: responsibility overriding my ability to connect with my life purpose and a backlog of related emotional barriers, now held physically in my body.

Although I’ve been pretty good at resolving emotion as it comes up losing my Dad put me over the top. I realized that it wasn’t just the event of his death; I’d been attending to him for a year and a half while he’d been living in an extended care facility. In the fall of 2007 he collapsed on his boat where he’d been living independently and we nearly lost him then.

Dad’s passing ended a challenging time for us both. He really didn’t want to be living in care, but given the advanced stage of his Parkinson’s Disease, there weren’t many options. On top of that I had also moved to a new community which meant a long commute to work and visit Dad. I had been carrying on, dealing with things as they came up, but it was starting to feel like a struggle. At times I even felt depressed and disappointed with myself because of all the things I wasn’t getting done. Then, quite suddenly Dad succumbed to pneumonia. No wonder I felt so tired.

Ashley encouraged me to only do what was easy and felt like play. I felt lighter by the end of our call and she indicated the healing would continue over the next 11 days. I immediately gave myself permission to catch up on my sleep and be gentler with myself. Over the next few days my energy returned. It was easier to get going in the morning and I found myself engaging in work and projects around the home with much more ease and enthusiasm. I had more energy and consequently stopped worrying about the lack of it, and the nagging sense of obligation associated with commitments has subsided considerably. Since the session with Ashley, a colleague and I decided to offer a workshop, promoted it and delivered it – all within two weeks! It really was easy and fun!

My impression of this leading edge work at the PSCA conference inspired me to help bring DWS Training to the Pacific Northwest and now that I’ve experienced this amazing work first hand I’m even more excited about taking the training and being able to share it with others in the area.

Please contact me if you would like to participate in training that starts Sept 14 in Bellingham, WA or go to to learn more.

Lynne Brisdon, PCC

Tag: #pcsaconf09

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