Monday, July 16, 2012

How to Easily Remove Your Emotional Baggage... Forever

It is hard to get rid of our ‘stuff’

you know, our emotional baggage… right?  
At least this is what we've been led to believe. 

Likely you know someone who has gone to counseling or therapy and doesn’t seem to get dramatically better?  Just the other day, my colleague Jacque heard from a lady who has been seeing a therapist for years and still struggles with self-esteem issues.  She still hasn't found a path out of her emotional jungle.    

All that is about to change with the Emotional Hot Button Removal techniques. They  are simple to learn, easy to apply and quickly unpack your emotional baggage so you can throw it away. Forever.

Sound interesting?  I am going to tell you HOW.  Most wouldn’t. You would have to sign up for a workshop, but this is so important we’re  telling you how right here in this article. 

Knowing how isn't enough if you can’t answer YES to these three questions. 
1.            1.       Do you want a different life?
2.       Are you willing to let go of the trauma that has affected you?
3.       Are you willing to invest some time in taking action?

You see if you didn’t answer YES to all three questions then you will do what most people do. Nothing!  This article will just be another piece of good information that goes unused. First let’s deal with why therapy, counseling and coaching aren’t enough.

Therapy, Counselling and Coaching Aren’t Enough

They all deal with changing our thinking, or understanding what happened to us in the past.  The underlying premise is that the mind is the dominant player and it controls our behaviors. This is true unless we are emotionally provoked.Then, like it or not, our emotions are in control! And controlling our emotions is almost impossible when we have a lot of charged energy stored in our emotional baggage around a particular issue.

Ever been really angry and tried to control yourself?  It’s hard to do. Do you manage yourself better at work than with your family or loved ones?

Rather than trying to control the emotional energy every time it arises, what about getting rid of the baggage.  Yes it is possible and it is actually quite easy with the Emotional Hot Button Removal techniques.

Using these techniques you will discover the lost art of feeling, which will lead you out of your Emotional Jungle.  

Emotional Hot Button Removal Techniques Revealed

When an outside event pushes our emotional hot buttons, we have a reaction which is fuelled by the emotional energy held in our bodies. The emotional reaction has a physical sensation to it, a feeling, which can often be located inside our bodies, but sometimes it feels like we’re surrounded by it . Generally we don’t like to be overwhelmed, so we make a feeling-level decision not to feel the pain. This happens so automatically we’re hardly aware we’ve made the choice. However, we can bring emotional pain to completion if instead, we attend to the feelings in our body and feel into the physical sensation. Physical and emotional pain is released as we welcome each new situation. We heal ourselves one feeling at a time using this simple approach.

Tom Stone, in The Power of How, describes two techniques for bringing emotional energy to completion.
·         The first technique is the CORE Technique, which resolves intense emotional experiences from the past: our emotional baggage.
      The second technique is the SEE Technique, which dissolves emotional identifications and attachments, the new vigorous vines that are growing in our emotional jungle.

The CORE Technique involves, feeling into the most intense part of the physical sensation in our body.  We then need to do this technique repeatedly whenever we are provoked. When we use the CORE Technique repeatedly, we free ourselves from emotional baggage permanently.

It is this secret of how to feel into the emotional energy that most practitioners have overlooked or just haven’t learned how to do, until now.  

Why is that?  The fact is, having a simple specific highly effective technique for feeling hasn’t been common knowledge.  We intend to make it common knowledge.
When we practice feeling and combine it with changing our thinking then we can truly soar in our lives and create miracles.

Here is what happened for a few people who practiced.

“Two years ago I had destructive moods swings and emotional reactions that made a mess of my life. After years of trying I just could not stop them. once I learned to dissolve them, I connected more deeply and made much better decisions. My life is transformed; I am confident, optimistic, focused and much happier.”
Albert McDougall, working through childhood trauma

 If it weren’t for Jacque’s [Divine Divorce] program, I might still be mired in the angst and pain of separation.  I’ve learned to positively deal with old issues, stand in my own space and know what is acceptable in my life.
Brad Cooper, working through separation

For 5 years I suffered through depression and loneliness after the end of my marriage.  My body was filled with a terrible pain which constantly caused me to think about my ex-wife.  In just 4 short weeks using these techniques my body became pain free, I no longer think about my ex-wife and I am finally feeling like myself again after all those years of suffering.  I continue to practice the techniques whenever I feel pain in my body.
Gerard Emanuel, recovering from divorce

 “Everyone dealing with divorce should learn these techniques.”
April Love, in the midst of divorce,

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