Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Casting out Demons and Lightening Up

This time of year always seems like endarkenment to me. As the days get shorter, the weather gloomier, it feels like an emotionally down season. Unresolved material gets stirred up from the past like the ghosts and skeletons of Halloween.

Perhaps there’s some wisdom in the Indian celebration of light – Diwali which celebrates the casting out of demons by lighting lanterns. What if we took that approach to casting out old emotional demons and celebrating a new lightness of being?

Or, for those of you following the planetary ascension progression of triple date portals this month, 11:11:11  is an invitation to set intention for enlightenment. As the world becomes darker each day we can choose to raise our inner frequency, to shine our inner radiance and light up the world around us.

There will always be darkness and light. Where do you want to put your focus? It’s all about intent. There may be more darkness in some areas of our lives than others. Like sweeping the proverbial dirt under the rug, we may choose to keep ourselves in the dark about the very things we want to change. Working with people as a healer and a coach it’s interesting to notice how we would rather hang on to our pain, or negative stories than change or let them go.

What is it that keeps us from letting go of old ways of being? Usually the biggest barrier is being afraid to look inside. We continue along blithely accepting we are the way we are, unwilling to look under the surface for fear of what we may find out. We imagine what’s going on inside will be even worse than what we’re currently experiencing. Like the ghosts and goblins we imagined under our bed as kids; it could be scary, emotionally overwhelming or traumatic to look inside.

We are deeply conditioned to avoid pain and trauma. The irony is that quite often our fear of facing what we don’t want to feel is more painful than experiencing the energy of the actual event. When we allow ourselves to feel the energy of an emotion and move through and beyond the emotional experience, it’s quite painless. We can move energy with virtually no emotional trauma, unlike traditional counselling therapies where releasing can be very traumatic; lots of crying, major catharsis, etc. Recipients may feel much better afterward, but can be emotionally drained by the process and often only a small amount of emotional energy has been released.

On a more subtle level, we may be deeply identified with our own behavioural patterns. We are so used to being a certain way it feels normal. For example we may have been depressed for so long we don’t know what it feels like not to be. Or we may have felt anxious or overly stressed to the point that we can no longer recollect what calm feels like.

We start to accept these states as being “normal.” We may become adept in our avoidance; choosing to focus on the parts that are working and ignoring the parts that aren’t. Or we may have become a victim, knowing that life could be or should be better and being disappointed by what is not happening. It may seem like we have our nose up against a brick wall – not knowing which way to turn, or how to look over the wall. We feel stuck and struggle in a life that feels like a never ending Halloween horror show.

Another reason we resist looking inside is most of us have had the experience of wanting to hide some part of ourselves from others. We talk about the skeletons in our closet or our demons. We feel that these parts of ourselves are suspect, we feel like we are not good enough. We fear what will happen if we expose those parts of ourselves; that we will be judged, ostracized or shut out in some way. We may feel a sense of being punished, hurt or that love will be withheld.

So we try to keep them hidden, but they jump out regardless. Others see them whether we want them to or not, they show up in our everyday behaviour. For example  when we try to be confident when we're not, people notice, even though they may not say anything to us.

What would happen if we had the courage to step away from the story of who we are and let go of the image we attempt to hold up?

It is only by exposing our demons to the light and accepting them that we can truly let them go. With acceptance we can move to resolution and completion by fully feeling our present and past emotional experiences. Then there is nothing left to hide.

Imagine boosting yourself up to look over the wall and finding paradise rather than the boogie man. What would it take to look over the wall that is standing between you and paradise?

 Learn techniques to resolve and complete past emotional experience in Emotional Hot Button Removal Training.

Lynne Brisdon
Professional Certified Coach


  1. Just after posting this I learned about the 11:11:11 Telesummit. Looks really interesting!


  2. Great article, Lynne! I especially like the last line: "Imagine boosting yourself up to look over the wall and finding paradise rather than the boogie man. What would it take to look over the wall that is standing between you and paradise? " I had an image earlier today of looking at life through a keyhole... limited vision of possibilities. And what would happen if you just open the door? All the expansiveness awaiting your very approach. Here's to looking over the wall.:) xoxo Reney
