Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Your Vision for 2010

What’s your vision?

Do you have one for your business or career path? Is it aligned with your personal vision? Having a clearly defined vision, increases the odds you will bring your desires to fruition. Ask any successful business person and you will find they started out with some sort of a vision.

Working closely with start-up entrepreneurs provides me with an insider’s view of what happens in the first year of operations. Those most likely to succeed are the ones who have a clear vision, which resonates deeply within.

Often inspired, these business owners have a clear image of where their business is going. One story I heard a few years ago from the founder of a now multi-national franchise chain started when he was a student looking for summer work. Eating at the Golden Arches one day he noticed a pick-up truck full of junk at the drive through window. “I can do that”, he thought and within a couple of years had 3 or 4 trucks running. Knowing he wanted to achieve growth, and inspired by “Good to Great” Jim Collins, he mapped out a five year vision plan. When I heard Brian Scudimore speak in 2003, he was a month away from that 5 year goalpost. 1-800-Got-Junk was situated in 29 of the 30 cities he’d envisioned and was 3 stores away from the 150 he’d targeted. Oh yes, he was in negotiations with new franchise owners in city number 30. Impressive! To this day you’ll find revenue and growth targets emblazoned across a vision wall at the “Junction,” the company’s head office in Vancouver.

A vision doesn’t necessarily come in a blinding flash of inspiration. It can be crafted, dreamt up; sometimes it is a subtle feeling of recognition, at others it seems like a far off and distant fantasy. A vision may constantly be amended as we move through time and learn new information. Ideally it is aligned with your core values and your highest intentions. (see last month’s post on Intention) The vision that comes to fruition is the one that is believed and that we are compelled to move toward; the one we never let die.

Living Your Vision
Achieving it has everything to do with experiencing the possibility of it becoming real in the present moment. Consider that you have a particular business milestone you would like to attain. Perhaps it is serving a particular number of clients, speaking to a group of a certain size, or for many of us there are specific financial targets we want to hit. Imagine for a few moments that your vision has been attained. Let yourself fully experience what that feels like, imagine the scenarios associated with this achievement: the activities you’d be engaged in; the sights, the sounds, even the smells. Allow yourself to ‘live’ in your vision for a few moments. Doing this starts to build synaptic connections in your mind so you can recognize the opportunities that lead you to fulfill your vision more immediately. Not to mention all the metaphysical principles which come into play when you focus on your vision. “Ask and it is given”, “Believe it and you can achieve it” “Boldness has genius in it, begin it now”. These are not empty words, but quotes from masters who achieved great things.

Sometimes we get stuck envisioning what we don’t want. The propensity to worry about the future and imagine the worst possible outcome is due to the human trait of gravitating to negative potentials. But consider how much energy it takes to keep insisting and convincing yourself, based on previous experience, that something bad will happen. What if you directed the same amount of energy toward believing that what you desire can happen too? If you find that you are habitually projecting negative outcomes you may have some internal barriers to resolve before your vision can be realized.

Vision is quite simply having a clear sense of where you would like to go. If you need more clarity or should you need to resolve some internal barriers, help is available.

Lynne Brisdon
BC: 604 570-0764
WA: 360-393-8996

Join Lynne Brisdon and Jacque Small of Catalyst Business Coaching for a conversation about Vision on the Catalyst-LIVE! Radio Show on Wednesday, January 6th at 12 noon. Follow the link below to register.
