Sunday, November 29, 2009

Clarifying your Intention

As we get closer to the end of the year we start to cast our thoughts and desires toward the coming year.

Want to have a full sense of enjoyment and satisfaction in life? Want better work life balance, more simplicity and ease? To be successful you need to know what you want to experience, and the outcomes you would like to be participating in.

Knowing clearly what you like and what you want comes from a deeper place than logical analysis of likes and dislikes. This sense of knowing comes from being in connection with who you really are and being able to access your intuition. Your ability to be present to your intuition and perceive what’s next on your path brings clarity to your intention. Intention statements come from a place of deep inner knowing.

Intention Statements
An intention statement is a declaration of who and how you will “Be” in the experiences you want to have. Who you are “being” is a conscious choice to live into your desired experiences and have the feelings you most want to feel.

Intention statements can relate to broad aspects of your life such as experiences you’d prefer in work or business or they can be more narrowly focused on a specific event or series of events.

An Event Specific Intention
Say you have an up-coming sales presentation that is vital for your business. In addition to preparing the presentation there is the question of what you would like your experience to be during this meeting.

A good intention for this situation might be to be “present, grounded and curious in every moment”. The experience that you desire might be one of being focused and engaged in an easy and open dialogue.

The Global Intention
The global or broad scope intention relates to overarching experiences you want to have in your life. What would you be doing? What would be happening? What inspires you? When you are inspired, how do you feel?

Your global intention might sound something like this: I am an internationally recognized coach and trainer. I collaborate with fantastic business partners with ease and enthusiasm, inspiring and being inspired. My business allows me to travel, write, speak and deliver training events all around the world. My work and recreational activities are intertwined and I flow between them with fun and excitement. I live a vibrant, abundant and meaningful life and my work allows me the freedom to enjoy nature’s splendour and the planet's magnificent beauty.

Barriers to Intention
Most of us have a hard time coming up with clear and authentic intentions because we’ve lost touch with our intuition. To sense what is right, we need to have access to our intuition, our gut feelings, which provide us with direction. Too often we override our gut instincts in favour of an analytical story that our mind has created as the logical solution.

The biggest barriers to being present to our intuition are feelings of overwhelm tied to struggle and feeling alone. We ignore our intuition because we want to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the experience intuition is informing us about. For example, you have an inspired vision to become internationally recognized expert in your field but you get nervous about being in the public eye, so you let the vision die.

Fear and anxiety are great examples of feeling overwhelmed. We have a gut feeling about something we want to do but then we override the gut feeling with various sensations of doubt. We then cancel out any action we would have taken to follow through on our intuition.

As a result we feel stuck in the same old places we have always been. We feel trapped by our circumstances and don’t feel like we can move forward to have the life we truly want.

The good news is that we’re not stuck with these barriers. We can delete overwhelm, anxiety, fear, doubt, from our human software to gain full access to our intuition and knowing of what we truly want. Deleting these barriers is like deleting a virus off of a computer. We no longer have to live with the notion that it’s “just the way we are”. Contact me to learn how.

Join me in a converstion about INTENTION at noon on December 2 - follow the link to register.