Friday, February 13, 2009

Want to have a body you love and feel great?

Have more of your clothes been pushed to the back of your closet, with hopes that they’ll fit again… one day? Even with changing fashions it’s hard to let go of those favorite pieces. I recently and begrudgingly packed up some tight fitting pants to deliver to a charity. As a teenager I would lie down and haul up the zipper, but no more. But the bag is still sitting in the closet, waiting. Maybe I CAN loose those soft, squishy bits around my waistline.

It's time to loose the love handles!

There are many factors that can impact your body weight and size. But mostly it comes down to eating and exercise habits. You’ve heard it before, it’s a lifestyle choice. But why is it SO hard to make those changes?

Wellness Coach, Joanne Mulhall and Life Coach, Lynne Brisdon have discovered from coaching our clients that there is a crossover between food and emotional issues as well as lack of good information about how to eat well.

Join us for a complimentary introduction to:
Food and Mood
A Tele-seminar on February 17th at 5:30 p.m. PST
Start feeling good about yourself and loving your body!

See contact information below to register.

No doubt, you’ve tried changing your eating and exercise habits, but found it’s challenging to stick with it. Let’s face it, for many of us food is a comfort, and it’s hard to find time in our busy lives to exercise. Making those lifestyle changes just becomes more stuff on your to do list and the healthy lifestyle continues to elude us. Even if we do get started, at some point we end up feeling restricted by rigid programs, it’s just too much effort. What if it was easier?

With diets we feel deprived, don’t get the results we want and give up. And, what’s worse, nutritionists are now telling us the habit of skipping or delaying meals to limit caloric intake messes up our metabolism and we end up storing energy in ….you guessed it, fat. Right where you don’t want it…around your middle! What if you could re-set your metabolism easily?

And then there are all those other reasons we eat. Sometimes it’s not really hunger you feel but anxiety, nervousness or overwhelm. Are you eating to distract yourself from uncomfortable feelings? What if you could manage those emotional triggers in a healthier way?

Then there’s stress. We seem to have no shortage of that these days. And here’s the deal... Stress produces the hormone cortisol which tells your body you need to store energy to deal with life’s challenges, and store it where it’s readily available, around your mid-section. It’s a nasty cycle. What if you could break the cycle?

Or you have food cravings. Some of those can be nutritionally based. Your body is telling you really are missing something. But what should you eat? There’s an endless stream of information about what’s good for us and what’s not. How are we to keep up? Most processed foods are devoid of the nutrition you need, but they’re so convenient. You could buy and eat all organic, healthy, whole food – but it’s a lot of work and takes more time than you have. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a simple and easy way to ensure you were getting the nutrients you need?

Lynne and Joanne have some easy solutions for you. With a nutrition program AND stress busting, de-triggering techniques, you can make those lifestyle changes once and for all. You can have a body you love and feel great!

To join the FOOD & MOOD Tele-seminar please contact Lynne or Joanne to register. Contact info below.

Joanne Mulhall began her health journey in university where she took up jogging (hated it), aerobics class and fitness leadership (loved it) and procrastinated studying by making healthy muffins and meals to put in the freezer. She's evolved a lot since then; jogging again (loves it), yogi in the making (love it hot!), hikes, bikes and skis. Her other fun time is spent as a professional wellness coach with 12 professional years in the holistic health field in eye analysis, nutrition and cleanse coaching plus many types of body and energy work. She has learned that by honouring her body as the temple it is, great food choices are just that - choices. She's passionate about educating others so they also feel empowered to make great choices.

Joanne Mulhall C.C.IrHealth E Coach

Lynne Brisdon has been committed to exceptional wellness most of her adult life and is passionate about sharing what she’s learned. Realizing in her early 20ʼs that emotional attachments to food would result in the health challenges her grandparents faced, so she made some hard choices. Now in her fifties she enjoys good health and a body she’s happy with. When she’s not coaching new entrepreneurs or teaching meditation you can find her enjoying healthy, nutritious meals, riding her bicycle, motorcycling, roller blading or walking in nature. Lynne has been coaching for over ten years and is constantly upgrading skills to provide her clients with the most effective methods for making lasting change

Lynne Brisdon

Illuminating the path to your greatest future.