What’s your vision?
Do you have one for your business or career path? Is it aligned with your personal vision? Having a clearly defined vision, increases the odds you will bring your desires to fruition. Ask any successful business person and you will find they started out with some sort of a vision.
Working closely with start-up entrepreneurs provides me with an insider’s view of what happens in the first year of operations. Those most likely to succeed are the ones who have a clear vision, which resonates deeply within.
Often inspired, these business owners have a clear image of where their business is going. One story I heard a few years ago from the founder of a now multi-national franchise chain started when he was a student looking for summer work. Eating at the Golden Arches one day he noticed a pick-up truck full of junk at the drive through window. “I can do that”, he thought and within a couple of years had 3 or 4 trucks running. Knowing he wanted to achieve growth, and inspired by “Good to Great” Jim Collins, he mapped out a five year vision plan. When I heard Brian Scudimore speak in 2003, he was a month away from that 5 year goalpost. 1-800-Got-Junk was situated in 29 of the 30 cities he’d envisioned and was 3 stores away from the 150 he’d targeted. Oh yes, he was in negotiations with new franchise owners in city number 30. Impressive! To this day you’ll find revenue and growth targets emblazoned across a vision wall at the “Junction,” the company’s head office in Vancouver.
A vision doesn’t necessarily come in a blinding flash of inspiration. It can be crafted, dreamt up; sometimes it is a subtle feeling of recognition, at others it seems like a far off and distant fantasy. A vision may constantly be amended as we move through time and learn new information. Ideally it is aligned with your core values and your highest intentions. (see last month’s post on Intention) The vision that comes to fruition is the one that is believed and that we are compelled to move toward; the one we never let die.
Living Your Vision
Achieving it has everything to do with experiencing the possibility of it becoming real in the present moment. Consider that you have a particular business milestone you would like to attain. Perhaps it is serving a particular number of clients, speaking to a group of a certain size, or for many of us there are specific financial targets we want to hit. Imagine for a few moments that your vision has been attained. Let yourself fully experience what that feels like, imagine the scenarios associated with this achievement: the activities you’d be engaged in; the sights, the sounds, even the smells. Allow yourself to ‘live’ in your vision for a few moments. Doing this starts to build synaptic connections in your mind so you can recognize the opportunities that lead you to fulfill your vision more immediately. Not to mention all the metaphysical principles which come into play when you focus on your vision. “Ask and it is given”, “Believe it and you can achieve it” “Boldness has genius in it, begin it now”. These are not empty words, but quotes from masters who achieved great things.
Sometimes we get stuck envisioning what we don’t want. The propensity to worry about the future and imagine the worst possible outcome is due to the human trait of gravitating to negative potentials. But consider how much energy it takes to keep insisting and convincing yourself, based on previous experience, that something bad will happen. What if you directed the same amount of energy toward believing that what you desire can happen too? If you find that you are habitually projecting negative outcomes you may have some internal barriers to resolve before your vision can be realized.
Vision is quite simply having a clear sense of where you would like to go. If you need more clarity or should you need to resolve some internal barriers, help is available.
Lynne Brisdon
BC: 604 570-0764
WA: 360-393-8996
Join Lynne Brisdon and Jacque Small of Catalyst Business Coaching for a conversation about Vision on the Catalyst-LIVE! Radio Show on Wednesday, January 6th at 12 noon. Follow the link below to register.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Clarifying your Intention
As we get closer to the end of the year we start to cast our thoughts and desires toward the coming year.
Want to have a full sense of enjoyment and satisfaction in life? Want better work life balance, more simplicity and ease? To be successful you need to know what you want to experience, and the outcomes you would like to be participating in.
Knowing clearly what you like and what you want comes from a deeper place than logical analysis of likes and dislikes. This sense of knowing comes from being in connection with who you really are and being able to access your intuition. Your ability to be present to your intuition and perceive what’s next on your path brings clarity to your intention. Intention statements come from a place of deep inner knowing.
Intention Statements
An intention statement is a declaration of who and how you will “Be” in the experiences you want to have. Who you are “being” is a conscious choice to live into your desired experiences and have the feelings you most want to feel.
Intention statements can relate to broad aspects of your life such as experiences you’d prefer in work or business or they can be more narrowly focused on a specific event or series of events.
An Event Specific Intention
Say you have an up-coming sales presentation that is vital for your business. In addition to preparing the presentation there is the question of what you would like your experience to be during this meeting.
A good intention for this situation might be to be “present, grounded and curious in every moment”. The experience that you desire might be one of being focused and engaged in an easy and open dialogue.
The Global Intention
The global or broad scope intention relates to overarching experiences you want to have in your life. What would you be doing? What would be happening? What inspires you? When you are inspired, how do you feel?
Your global intention might sound something like this: I am an internationally recognized coach and trainer. I collaborate with fantastic business partners with ease and enthusiasm, inspiring and being inspired. My business allows me to travel, write, speak and deliver training events all around the world. My work and recreational activities are intertwined and I flow between them with fun and excitement. I live a vibrant, abundant and meaningful life and my work allows me the freedom to enjoy nature’s splendour and the planet's magnificent beauty.
Barriers to Intention
Most of us have a hard time coming up with clear and authentic intentions because we’ve lost touch with our intuition. To sense what is right, we need to have access to our intuition, our gut feelings, which provide us with direction. Too often we override our gut instincts in favour of an analytical story that our mind has created as the logical solution.
The biggest barriers to being present to our intuition are feelings of overwhelm tied to struggle and feeling alone. We ignore our intuition because we want to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the experience intuition is informing us about. For example, you have an inspired vision to become internationally recognized expert in your field but you get nervous about being in the public eye, so you let the vision die.
Fear and anxiety are great examples of feeling overwhelmed. We have a gut feeling about something we want to do but then we override the gut feeling with various sensations of doubt. We then cancel out any action we would have taken to follow through on our intuition.
As a result we feel stuck in the same old places we have always been. We feel trapped by our circumstances and don’t feel like we can move forward to have the life we truly want.
The good news is that we’re not stuck with these barriers. We can delete overwhelm, anxiety, fear, doubt, from our human software to gain full access to our intuition and knowing of what we truly want. Deleting these barriers is like deleting a virus off of a computer. We no longer have to live with the notion that it’s “just the way we are”. Contact me to learn how.
Join me in a converstion about INTENTION at noon on December 2 - follow the link to register.
Want to have a full sense of enjoyment and satisfaction in life? Want better work life balance, more simplicity and ease? To be successful you need to know what you want to experience, and the outcomes you would like to be participating in.
Knowing clearly what you like and what you want comes from a deeper place than logical analysis of likes and dislikes. This sense of knowing comes from being in connection with who you really are and being able to access your intuition. Your ability to be present to your intuition and perceive what’s next on your path brings clarity to your intention. Intention statements come from a place of deep inner knowing.
Intention Statements
An intention statement is a declaration of who and how you will “Be” in the experiences you want to have. Who you are “being” is a conscious choice to live into your desired experiences and have the feelings you most want to feel.
Intention statements can relate to broad aspects of your life such as experiences you’d prefer in work or business or they can be more narrowly focused on a specific event or series of events.
An Event Specific Intention
Say you have an up-coming sales presentation that is vital for your business. In addition to preparing the presentation there is the question of what you would like your experience to be during this meeting.
A good intention for this situation might be to be “present, grounded and curious in every moment”. The experience that you desire might be one of being focused and engaged in an easy and open dialogue.
The Global Intention
The global or broad scope intention relates to overarching experiences you want to have in your life. What would you be doing? What would be happening? What inspires you? When you are inspired, how do you feel?
Your global intention might sound something like this: I am an internationally recognized coach and trainer. I collaborate with fantastic business partners with ease and enthusiasm, inspiring and being inspired. My business allows me to travel, write, speak and deliver training events all around the world. My work and recreational activities are intertwined and I flow between them with fun and excitement. I live a vibrant, abundant and meaningful life and my work allows me the freedom to enjoy nature’s splendour and the planet's magnificent beauty.
Barriers to Intention
Most of us have a hard time coming up with clear and authentic intentions because we’ve lost touch with our intuition. To sense what is right, we need to have access to our intuition, our gut feelings, which provide us with direction. Too often we override our gut instincts in favour of an analytical story that our mind has created as the logical solution.
The biggest barriers to being present to our intuition are feelings of overwhelm tied to struggle and feeling alone. We ignore our intuition because we want to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the experience intuition is informing us about. For example, you have an inspired vision to become internationally recognized expert in your field but you get nervous about being in the public eye, so you let the vision die.
Fear and anxiety are great examples of feeling overwhelmed. We have a gut feeling about something we want to do but then we override the gut feeling with various sensations of doubt. We then cancel out any action we would have taken to follow through on our intuition.
As a result we feel stuck in the same old places we have always been. We feel trapped by our circumstances and don’t feel like we can move forward to have the life we truly want.
The good news is that we’re not stuck with these barriers. We can delete overwhelm, anxiety, fear, doubt, from our human software to gain full access to our intuition and knowing of what we truly want. Deleting these barriers is like deleting a virus off of a computer. We no longer have to live with the notion that it’s “just the way we are”. Contact me to learn how.
Join me in a converstion about INTENTION at noon on December 2 - follow the link to register.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Reflections on Fascinating, Masterful Coaching Presentation at PSCA 09 Conference
When I signed up for “Where Quantum Physics and Spirituality Meet Coaching” at the 2009 Puget Sound Coaching Conference I knew nothing about Dancing With Source. I expected an interesting, although academic presentation that connected scientific information about quantum physics to support the use of spiritually based transformational techniques in coaching. I know many coaches aspire to spirituality, but we tend to keep it to ourselves, especially when upholding our professional image.
Well was I ever wrong! Much to my surprise and delight the session started with creating protection for the room by invoking the Archangels. Wow! In a coaching conference! This really was leading edge.
In amazement, I felt the energy in the room shift, and if any skepticism was present no resistance was expressed. Everyone was riveted to the presentation. Ashley Warrenton-Smith and Diane Boivie, went on to share how our internal barriers or incongruencies come from inherited bloodlines, past life karma, trauma, or disempowering beliefs from “another time”. They have found consistenly that resolving these barriers moves their clients past perpetual issues they haven't been able to address with traditional coaching. Ashley went on to demonstrate Etheric Grid Alignment for a few people who volunteered on the basis of feeling like their energy was “off”.
As a spiritual healer I marveled at how effectively and quickly they worked in this large group setting. It’s sometimes difficult to create such a potent healing space with varying levels of supportive energy in a group. Not so here. Source and the Archangels cut through it all and those who had their etheric grids aligned were obviously healed.
I did not put up my hand to receive a healing at the conference. I was feeling pretty good that day. However, I recently got to have the experience. In early June my Dad passed away and I was emotionally bereft. I was really trying to honor my business commitments but it was just a struggle. While on a phone conference to discuss DWS training in the Pacific Northwest, Ashley noticed that my energy was flat (of course) and offered a healing session. She got right to work and cleared the energy dynamics I was experiencing: responsibility overriding my ability to connect with my life purpose and a backlog of related emotional barriers, now held physically in my body.
Although I’ve been pretty good at resolving emotion as it comes up losing my Dad put me over the top. I realized that it wasn’t just the event of his death; I’d been attending to him for a year and a half while he’d been living in an extended care facility. In the fall of 2007 he collapsed on his boat where he’d been living independently and we nearly lost him then.
Dad’s passing ended a challenging time for us both. He really didn’t want to be living in care, but given the advanced stage of his Parkinson’s Disease, there weren’t many options. On top of that I had also moved to a new community which meant a long commute to work and visit Dad. I had been carrying on, dealing with things as they came up, but it was starting to feel like a struggle. At times I even felt depressed and disappointed with myself because of all the things I wasn’t getting done. Then, quite suddenly Dad succumbed to pneumonia. No wonder I felt so tired.
Ashley encouraged me to only do what was easy and felt like play. I felt lighter by the end of our call and she indicated the healing would continue over the next 11 days. I immediately gave myself permission to catch up on my sleep and be gentler with myself. Over the next few days my energy returned. It was easier to get going in the morning and I found myself engaging in work and projects around the home with much more ease and enthusiasm. I had more energy and consequently stopped worrying about the lack of it, and the nagging sense of obligation associated with commitments has subsided considerably. Since the session with Ashley, a colleague and I decided to offer a workshop, promoted it and delivered it – all within two weeks! It really was easy and fun!
My impression of this leading edge work at the PSCA conference inspired me to help bring DWS Training to the Pacific Northwest and now that I’ve experienced this amazing work first hand I’m even more excited about taking the training and being able to share it with others in the area.
Please contact me if you would like to participate in training that starts Sept 14 in Bellingham, WA or go to http://www.dancingwithsource.com/ to learn more.
Lynne Brisdon, PCC
Tag: #pcsaconf09
Well was I ever wrong! Much to my surprise and delight the session started with creating protection for the room by invoking the Archangels. Wow! In a coaching conference! This really was leading edge.
In amazement, I felt the energy in the room shift, and if any skepticism was present no resistance was expressed. Everyone was riveted to the presentation. Ashley Warrenton-Smith and Diane Boivie, went on to share how our internal barriers or incongruencies come from inherited bloodlines, past life karma, trauma, or disempowering beliefs from “another time”. They have found consistenly that resolving these barriers moves their clients past perpetual issues they haven't been able to address with traditional coaching. Ashley went on to demonstrate Etheric Grid Alignment for a few people who volunteered on the basis of feeling like their energy was “off”.
As a spiritual healer I marveled at how effectively and quickly they worked in this large group setting. It’s sometimes difficult to create such a potent healing space with varying levels of supportive energy in a group. Not so here. Source and the Archangels cut through it all and those who had their etheric grids aligned were obviously healed.
I did not put up my hand to receive a healing at the conference. I was feeling pretty good that day. However, I recently got to have the experience. In early June my Dad passed away and I was emotionally bereft. I was really trying to honor my business commitments but it was just a struggle. While on a phone conference to discuss DWS training in the Pacific Northwest, Ashley noticed that my energy was flat (of course) and offered a healing session. She got right to work and cleared the energy dynamics I was experiencing: responsibility overriding my ability to connect with my life purpose and a backlog of related emotional barriers, now held physically in my body.
Although I’ve been pretty good at resolving emotion as it comes up losing my Dad put me over the top. I realized that it wasn’t just the event of his death; I’d been attending to him for a year and a half while he’d been living in an extended care facility. In the fall of 2007 he collapsed on his boat where he’d been living independently and we nearly lost him then.
Dad’s passing ended a challenging time for us both. He really didn’t want to be living in care, but given the advanced stage of his Parkinson’s Disease, there weren’t many options. On top of that I had also moved to a new community which meant a long commute to work and visit Dad. I had been carrying on, dealing with things as they came up, but it was starting to feel like a struggle. At times I even felt depressed and disappointed with myself because of all the things I wasn’t getting done. Then, quite suddenly Dad succumbed to pneumonia. No wonder I felt so tired.
Ashley encouraged me to only do what was easy and felt like play. I felt lighter by the end of our call and she indicated the healing would continue over the next 11 days. I immediately gave myself permission to catch up on my sleep and be gentler with myself. Over the next few days my energy returned. It was easier to get going in the morning and I found myself engaging in work and projects around the home with much more ease and enthusiasm. I had more energy and consequently stopped worrying about the lack of it, and the nagging sense of obligation associated with commitments has subsided considerably. Since the session with Ashley, a colleague and I decided to offer a workshop, promoted it and delivered it – all within two weeks! It really was easy and fun!
My impression of this leading edge work at the PSCA conference inspired me to help bring DWS Training to the Pacific Northwest and now that I’ve experienced this amazing work first hand I’m even more excited about taking the training and being able to share it with others in the area.
Please contact me if you would like to participate in training that starts Sept 14 in Bellingham, WA or go to http://www.dancingwithsource.com/ to learn more.
Lynne Brisdon, PCC
Tag: #pcsaconf09
Friday, March 6, 2009
Food and Mood
We're repeating our Food and Mood Introductory Seminar on Wednesday, March 11 at 5:30 p.m. PST
Join Lynne and Joanne for an information packed hour of simple to follow nutritional strategies and powerful awareness techniques to break out of unhealthy eating habits.
Join Lynne and Joanne for an information packed hour of simple to follow nutritional strategies and powerful awareness techniques to break out of unhealthy eating habits.
email: lynne@livinginvision.com to get in on the call.
p.s. I got rid of the tight pants. I took them to Zoey Ryan's Misbehaving Women Awards and Clothing Swap. Proceeds went to Avalon Women's Shelters.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Want to have a body you love and feel great?
Have more of your clothes been pushed to the back of your closet, with hopes that they’ll fit again… one day? Even with changing fashions it’s hard to let go of those favorite pieces. I recently and begrudgingly packed up some tight fitting pants to deliver to a charity. As a teenager I would lie down and haul up the zipper, but no more. But the bag is still sitting in the closet, waiting. Maybe I CAN loose those soft, squishy bits around my waistline.
It's time to loose the love handles!
There are many factors that can impact your body weight and size. But mostly it comes down to eating and exercise habits. You’ve heard it before, it’s a lifestyle choice. But why is it SO hard to make those changes?
Wellness Coach, Joanne Mulhall and Life Coach, Lynne Brisdon have discovered from coaching our clients that there is a crossover between food and emotional issues as well as lack of good information about how to eat well.
Join us for a complimentary introduction to:
Food and Mood
A Tele-seminar on February 17th at 5:30 p.m. PST
Start feeling good about yourself and loving your body!
See contact information below to register.
No doubt, you’ve tried changing your eating and exercise habits, but found it’s challenging to stick with it. Let’s face it, for many of us food is a comfort, and it’s hard to find time in our busy lives to exercise. Making those lifestyle changes just becomes more stuff on your to do list and the healthy lifestyle continues to elude us. Even if we do get started, at some point we end up feeling restricted by rigid programs, it’s just too much effort. What if it was easier?
With diets we feel deprived, don’t get the results we want and give up. And, what’s worse, nutritionists are now telling us the habit of skipping or delaying meals to limit caloric intake messes up our metabolism and we end up storing energy in ….you guessed it, fat. Right where you don’t want it…around your middle! What if you could re-set your metabolism easily?
And then there are all those other reasons we eat. Sometimes it’s not really hunger you feel but anxiety, nervousness or overwhelm. Are you eating to distract yourself from uncomfortable feelings? What if you could manage those emotional triggers in a healthier way?
Then there’s stress. We seem to have no shortage of that these days. And here’s the deal... Stress produces the hormone cortisol which tells your body you need to store energy to deal with life’s challenges, and store it where it’s readily available, around your mid-section. It’s a nasty cycle. What if you could break the cycle?
Or you have food cravings. Some of those can be nutritionally based. Your body is telling you really are missing something. But what should you eat? There’s an endless stream of information about what’s good for us and what’s not. How are we to keep up? Most processed foods are devoid of the nutrition you need, but they’re so convenient. You could buy and eat all organic, healthy, whole food – but it’s a lot of work and takes more time than you have. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a simple and easy way to ensure you were getting the nutrients you need?
Lynne and Joanne have some easy solutions for you. With a nutrition program AND stress busting, de-triggering techniques, you can make those lifestyle changes once and for all. You can have a body you love and feel great!
To join the FOOD & MOOD Tele-seminar please contact Lynne or Joanne to register. Contact info below.
Joanne Mulhall began her health journey in university where she took up jogging (hated it), aerobics class and fitness leadership (loved it) and procrastinated studying by making healthy muffins and meals to put in the freezer. She's evolved a lot since then; jogging again (loves it), yogi in the making (love it hot!), hikes, bikes and skis. Her other fun time is spent as a professional wellness coach with 12 professional years in the holistic health field in eye analysis, nutrition and cleanse coaching plus many types of body and energy work. She has learned that by honouring her body as the temple it is, great food choices are just that - choices. She's passionate about educating others so they also feel empowered to make great choices.
Joanne Mulhall C.C.IrHealth E Coach
Lynne Brisdon has been committed to exceptional wellness most of her adult life and is passionate about sharing what she’s learned. Realizing in her early 20ʼs that emotional attachments to food would result in the health challenges her grandparents faced, so she made some hard choices. Now in her fifties she enjoys good health and a body she’s happy with. When she’s not coaching new entrepreneurs or teaching meditation you can find her enjoying healthy, nutritious meals, riding her bicycle, motorcycling, roller blading or walking in nature. Lynne has been coaching for over ten years and is constantly upgrading skills to provide her clients with the most effective methods for making lasting change
Lynne Brisdon
Illuminating the path to your greatest future.
It's time to loose the love handles!
There are many factors that can impact your body weight and size. But mostly it comes down to eating and exercise habits. You’ve heard it before, it’s a lifestyle choice. But why is it SO hard to make those changes?
Wellness Coach, Joanne Mulhall and Life Coach, Lynne Brisdon have discovered from coaching our clients that there is a crossover between food and emotional issues as well as lack of good information about how to eat well.
Join us for a complimentary introduction to:
Food and Mood
A Tele-seminar on February 17th at 5:30 p.m. PST
Start feeling good about yourself and loving your body!
See contact information below to register.
No doubt, you’ve tried changing your eating and exercise habits, but found it’s challenging to stick with it. Let’s face it, for many of us food is a comfort, and it’s hard to find time in our busy lives to exercise. Making those lifestyle changes just becomes more stuff on your to do list and the healthy lifestyle continues to elude us. Even if we do get started, at some point we end up feeling restricted by rigid programs, it’s just too much effort. What if it was easier?
With diets we feel deprived, don’t get the results we want and give up. And, what’s worse, nutritionists are now telling us the habit of skipping or delaying meals to limit caloric intake messes up our metabolism and we end up storing energy in ….you guessed it, fat. Right where you don’t want it…around your middle! What if you could re-set your metabolism easily?
And then there are all those other reasons we eat. Sometimes it’s not really hunger you feel but anxiety, nervousness or overwhelm. Are you eating to distract yourself from uncomfortable feelings? What if you could manage those emotional triggers in a healthier way?
Then there’s stress. We seem to have no shortage of that these days. And here’s the deal... Stress produces the hormone cortisol which tells your body you need to store energy to deal with life’s challenges, and store it where it’s readily available, around your mid-section. It’s a nasty cycle. What if you could break the cycle?
Or you have food cravings. Some of those can be nutritionally based. Your body is telling you really are missing something. But what should you eat? There’s an endless stream of information about what’s good for us and what’s not. How are we to keep up? Most processed foods are devoid of the nutrition you need, but they’re so convenient. You could buy and eat all organic, healthy, whole food – but it’s a lot of work and takes more time than you have. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a simple and easy way to ensure you were getting the nutrients you need?
Lynne and Joanne have some easy solutions for you. With a nutrition program AND stress busting, de-triggering techniques, you can make those lifestyle changes once and for all. You can have a body you love and feel great!
To join the FOOD & MOOD Tele-seminar please contact Lynne or Joanne to register. Contact info below.
Joanne Mulhall began her health journey in university where she took up jogging (hated it), aerobics class and fitness leadership (loved it) and procrastinated studying by making healthy muffins and meals to put in the freezer. She's evolved a lot since then; jogging again (loves it), yogi in the making (love it hot!), hikes, bikes and skis. Her other fun time is spent as a professional wellness coach with 12 professional years in the holistic health field in eye analysis, nutrition and cleanse coaching plus many types of body and energy work. She has learned that by honouring her body as the temple it is, great food choices are just that - choices. She's passionate about educating others so they also feel empowered to make great choices.
Joanne Mulhall C.C.IrHealth E Coach
Lynne Brisdon has been committed to exceptional wellness most of her adult life and is passionate about sharing what she’s learned. Realizing in her early 20ʼs that emotional attachments to food would result in the health challenges her grandparents faced, so she made some hard choices. Now in her fifties she enjoys good health and a body she’s happy with. When she’s not coaching new entrepreneurs or teaching meditation you can find her enjoying healthy, nutritious meals, riding her bicycle, motorcycling, roller blading or walking in nature. Lynne has been coaching for over ten years and is constantly upgrading skills to provide her clients with the most effective methods for making lasting change
Lynne Brisdon
Illuminating the path to your greatest future.
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